Sarah Palin is the other whom Yoda spoke about.

calendar   Saturday - October 16, 2004


So why is it that Senator Dayton (Minnesota Dummycrap, naturally!) is closing his Washington office and sending his staff away?  He says it’s because of concerns over a possible terrorist attack.

Yet no other Senator or Congressman has done so.  Strange, eh?  Is Senator Dayton so well connected that he has information the Senate Intelligence Committee does not?  Shouldn’t someone be pulling out his fingernails to find out what he knows and when he knew it?

Or is it because he’s a yellow-bellied, running dog coward?

Of course, Senator Robert KKK Byrd defends him.  Who’s surprised?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/16/2004 at 06:31 AM   
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calendar   Friday - October 15, 2004

Where’s The FEC on This?

I hope one of these bastards contacts me.

I am so full of rage at reading this that I can not think clearly.  What the fuck is going on in this world where the leftists now seem to think they can try to alter/influence the direction/shape of our elections?

Where will all this stop? Do we need to have another war with these forons?

If I were to get one of these letters I’d send back such a scathing reply the paper would come just short of spontaneous combustion.  It would need an asbestos lined envelope to contain its fiery rhetoric.

So.....where the fuck is the FEC on this?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/15/2004 at 06:47 AM   
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Freedom is Not Free!!

The Ditzie Shits found this out the hard way as did Bruce Springsteen (who had to give away tickets to his gig!)

Now the publisher of the editor in the Crawford paper that supported Fuckface for Preisdent is finding it out, too.  He expected a bit of a backlash.  He’d found out the backlash comes with a cat o’ nine tails.

Hiwever, for the life of me I can not understand why the author of this piece had to mention that the editor was:

wearing a decade-old knit tie



Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/15/2004 at 06:44 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - October 14, 2004

“Anybody” But Bush?

A.B.B. That’s all we’ve heard for over a year now. The Democratic Party has been running with this catch-phrase since day one. Has any one out there paused to really examine what they meant? I just did and I realized they would prefer “Toto The Wonder Dog” in the White House rather than President Bush. That’s madness, people. Look at the candidates they threw out to the party faithful last year about this time:

1) Al Sharpton - a loud mouthed race baiting populist with no new ideas and absolutely no common sense.

2) Dennis Kucinich - who believed aliens from outer space were spying on him.

3) Dick Gephart - Barbara Streisand’s bitch, at the beck and call of Gollywood.

4) Joe Lieberman - the only one of the bunch with even a small dose of common sense.

.... and finally ....

5) John Kerry - who not only changes his mind from day to day but changes his position in the middle of a debate (read last night’s debate transcript).

The Democrats were serious. They truly meant anybody but Bush.

What do you think, America? I don’t agree 100% with George Bush but DAMMITALL why did the Democrats finally decide to run ”Toto The Wonder Poodle”?

cool grin 


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/14/2004 at 12:25 PM   
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Democrat Party Scandal

Thanks to Drudge, we have the following campaign literature from the DNC in Colorado. Read the first two paragrpahs .... they’re already setting up plans to challenge the election.




Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/14/2004 at 10:35 AM   
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Time To Act

Go here to read about how Fuckface’s supporters are trying to stop Sinclair broadcasting from showing the 41 minute documentary called “Stolen Honor.”

Start making phone calls and sending emails. Please!  Numbers and stations and email addresses are provided in the link.

Remember, the left operates from an authoritarian perspective on matters of political speech. They are forever screaming, “censorship” if we so much as criticize them.  Yet who are the first to actually seek government intervention when confronted by those who disagree with them?

(thanks to BobF for the link)


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/14/2004 at 06:29 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - October 13, 2004

Lies, Deceptions, Distortions and More Lies

Looks like Madeleine “Not-So"Bright was out on the stump for Fuckface where she uttered these classic words:

“It’s a very simple issue. Bill Clinton lied, but nobody died”

And for that little snippet of intellectual dishonesty and plain, outright malicious lie, I am now going to call her something I very rarely call anyone:  a cunt.

Sorry, there it is.  This stupid bitch should be put down.  She’s outlived her usefulness.

You gotta wonder about Democrats, though, and their ability to lie and tell the truth in the same sentence.  She told the truth when she said Clinton lied (and the Dems are damned proud of it, I guess!) but she cleverly also told a lie with her comment that nobody died.  Reminds me of Kerry saying he can’t tell us what he’d do in a hypothetical situation but he had a plan anyway!  WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!

If I were a reporter (of course, that’d be impossible as I’d never pass their “liberal” litmus test) I’d ask her, “Mrs. Albright, if no one died when Clinton lied, how do you explain Khobar Towers, Somalia, the first World Trade Center attack, the USS Cole, etc?  Huh, you stupid, vapid bitch!!  HOW!?!?!?!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/13/2004 at 08:04 AM   
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How Stupid Can Democrats Be?

Well, If you are a democrat, (especially one working on Fuckface’s campaign) then there are no bounds to the limits of your stupidity.

Check out this papragraph in an email I got from them today (yes, I susbscribe in order to comply with that old adage to “keep my friends close and my enemies closer.”

This has to do with an absentee ballot initiative they are advocating and the following is their rationale:

“There are many reasons to vote by mail: The weather may be bad on Election Day, preventing you from voting at the polls; or it may be impossible to get away from a meeting or other engagement on Election Day. Emergencies occur when we least expect them, and we want to make sure that your voice is heard.”

I don’t know about where you live but I contacted my supervisor of elections office and they told me absentee ballots have to be received by 7 PM the night of the election.

Pray, tell me how someone who does not go to the voting booth because weather is bad will be able to get the ballot in to the elections office on time?

Now, if only we could convince ALL Democrats to follow through on this guidance...........

So now do you see what I meant about how stupid the Democrats are?  They can’t even get the right info to their own constituents!



Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/13/2004 at 06:13 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - October 12, 2004


For those who don’t know Bill Kristol, he is the editor of The Weekly Standard and can be seen most evenings between 6:00pm and 7:00pm (EDT) on Brit Hume’s News Hour on Fox News Channel. Here is his take on Kerry’s chances ....

NEVER HAVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE elected as president a candidate with a record on national security issues resembling that of John Kerry. Consider some of the distinctive national security choices Kerry has made over the years.

April 22, 1971: The American people have never elected president someone who, while serving in the military, chose to testify (in uniform) against a war his country was then waging. Lt. Kerry asserted before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that his country and his fellow service members were guilty in Vietnam of “crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.” Indeed, Kerry asserted that the American military was “more guilty than any other body of violations of [the] Geneva Conventions.” Kerry forthrightly rejected the bipartisan doctrine that had guided American foreign policy for a generation, deriding “the mystical war against communism.” Kerry today remains proud of his testimony.

Fall 1984: The American people have never elected president someone who, in his first successful bid for federal office, chose to make support for a unilateral nuclear freeze and for major cutbacks in America’s defense programs the centerpiece of his campaign. The freeze and the cutbacks would have weakened U.S.-European ties, emboldened the Soviet Union, and strengthened the hand of hardliners in the Kremlin. Kerry has never said that the position he took at this turning point in the Cold War was mistaken.

January 12, 1991: The American people have never elected president a senator who voted against an authorization for the use of military force, in this case in pursuance of a United Nations-approved policy to eject Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Senator Kerry complained in 1991 that we were engaged in “a rush to war.” It turned out that Saddam had been only months away from acquiring nuclear capability. Kerry now cites the first Gulf War as a success for the purpose of contrasting it with the recent one--but he has never acknowledged that his judgment in opposing that war might have been in error.

October 17, 2003: The American people have never elected president someone who voted against an appropriation to support troops fighting in a war he had approved. Contrary to misleading press accounts, such as this one from the October 8 USA Today, this was not a “typical Senate situation in which party members vote yes on their own version of a bill and then vote no on the other party’s version.” Fellow Democrat Joe Biden had cosponsored with Kerry an alternative supplemental appropriation that would have paid for the war by repealing part of the Bush tax cut. But when the alternative was defeated, Biden and 38 other Democratic senators, unlike Kerry, voted for the final bill. Indeed, Biden made the case for the president’s proposal on the Senate floor. In fact, in the vote on final passage of the $87 billion, Kerry was joined by only 11 other senators, less than a quarter of his fellow Democrats. And of the 77 senators who had voted to authorize the war, only four--Kerry, John Edwards, Tom Harkin, and Ernest Hollings--now voted to deny the troops the support they needed. Kerry had himself said just a month before, “I don’t think any United States senator is going to abandon our troops and recklessly leave Iraq to whatever follows as a result of cutting and running. That’s irresponsible.” His vote against the $87 billion was irresponsible. Today he says he is proud of that vote.

September 23, 2004: The American people have never elected president someone who gratuitously attacked a visiting leader, in this case Iraqi prime minister Ayad Allawi, after a speech to a joint session of Congress, when that leader’s government was fighting terrorists on a day-to-day basis alongside American troops.

Will the American people choose as president someone with John Kerry’s national security record? They never have before.

--William Kristol

From the October 18, 2004 issue of The Weekly Standard: Never have the American people elected as president a candidate with a record on national security issues resembling that of John Kerry.
by William Kristol


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/12/2004 at 12:39 PM   
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Who Said It?

Quick! Tell me who you think said this ....

Our national security requires Congress to send a clear message to Iraq and the world: America is united in its determination to eliminate forever the threat of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. . . . Congress needs to act now to make clear to our U.N. allies and to Iraq that the United States will not stand for the usual half-measures or delaying tactics. . . .

Here’s what I believe the resolution should say. First and foremost, it should clearly endorse the use of all necessary means to eliminate the threat posed by Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. Second, the resolution should call for an effort to rally the international community under a U.N. Security Council mandate. . . . [but] we must not tie our own hands by requiring Security Council action. Congress should authorize the United States to act with whatever allies will join us if the Security Council is prevented from supporting action to enforce the more than 16 resolutions against Iraq. . . .

Thousands of terrorist operatives around the world would pay anything to get their hands on Saddam Hussein’s arsenal and would stop at nothing to use it against us. America must act, and Congress must make clear to Hussein that he faces a united nation.

-- Senator John Edwards, September 22, 2002

And before any of the Leftist troglodytes out there start mouthing Democratic Party sound bites and bullshit, Senator Edwards examined the exact same evidence from the CIA and other countries’ inelligence agencies that George Bush examined. Why have Senator Edwards and Senator Kerry changed their tune now? Why are they calling it “the wrong war at the wrong time in the wrong place”? Because they are congenital liars and are pandering for the vote of their Leftist peacenik supporters, that’s why.

And while we’re on the subject, did you know that when the final vote was cast in the US Senate, 77 Senators voted to take the war to Iraq and authorized President Bush to do so. Senators Kerry and Edwards voted to authorize President Bush to conduct war against Saddam Hussein. BUT later when the Senate was voting on providing funding for that war (you know, for things like bullets, body armor, fuel, food, etc. - all those things that a fighting force needs to keep from having to attack the enemy with nothing but bad words), four of the 77 who voted for the war decided to send our troops into battle with nothing more than spitballs. Who were the four who wanted to fight a war without paying for it? You guessed it: Kerry and Edwards - along with Fritz Hollings and Tom Harkin.

If you want to read more, pick up a copy of the October 18th issue of the Weekly Standard.

Now you know.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/12/2004 at 12:19 PM   
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Democrats, ACORN, and Voter Fraud

Think I was exaggerating about voter fraud perpetrated by the Dummycrats and their socialist and communist minions?  I went into it here, here, and here.

In addition, try the following articles on for size.  Some are a re-hash of what we already know. Others have new info.  All point to voter intimidation and harassment plus possibly also hate-crimes, as defined by the left. (Hey, they started it!)

From the Philadelphia area, a paper reports on the actions of ACORN, a commie group and one other that purposely held registration forms to flood the election supervisor’s office with documentation that has proven to be duplicated, incomplete and in many cases, fictitious or from the wrong counties. 

In Cincinnati, ACORN again resorted to the same tactics and the people who’s names are on the forms can not be located by the sheriff’s department. Conclusion?  They do not exist.  ACORN insists it did nothing wrong but can not account for why so many were “found” at the last minute in mismarked boxes. 

In Minneapolis/St. Paul once again ACORN is implicated with hundreds of questionable forms which were also dumped at the last minute even though federal law says they have to be at the elections office within 10 days.  I can hear cries of disenfranchisement already.  And cries that we should “overlook” the 10 day rule. Just like these fuckwads wanted in 2000 to overlook Florida’s constitutional requirement that all vote counting be done within so many days after a general election.

In Jacksonville, Florida 25 forms were found suspicious.  All but three were Democrat.  All but one was a fictitious address. 

In Missouri, President Bush and CP Cheney were COMPLETELY left off absentee ballots. 

And just LAST NIGHT in Seattle, vandals broke into a Bush/Cheney campaign office, punched holes in the wall, cash was missing.  Just last week in Belleview, computers were stolen from campaign headquarters. 

Vote buying?

We report.  You decide.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/12/2004 at 05:44 AM   
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Gun Grabbing of a Different Sort

Californicators somewhat thwarted by their inability to completely prohibit honest citizens from owning guns have now resorted to another method: imbedding chips in bullet casings so as to track them from dealer to owner.

You can soon expect that re-loading will now be considered a crime as there is no way to record which bullet came from which gun or which buyer.  Somehow I suspect they will find a way to do so with even more paperwork and tracking requirements.

The moral of the story:  SAVE all you brass now for when you will need “track-free” bullets later.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/12/2004 at 05:30 AM   
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calendar   Monday - October 11, 2004

Democrat, Thy Name Is Hypocrisy!

When Michael Moore released his bullshit “F/9-11” movie crockumentary slandering President Bush and then rushed it into DVD release just before the election, Democrats crowed about “free speech” and lauded Moore for his movie. Now, a chain of TV stations is going to air a documentary unfavorable to Kerry entitled “Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal” and the Democrats are up in arms crying “foul”.

Incredible. Simply f**king incredible.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/11/2004 at 06:10 PM   
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In My World

The New Ruling Class:
Dissecting The Meritocracy

There are two Americas. Quite a few politicians, pundits, and other assorted plant life have made note of this phenomena in recent years. There is indeed a stratification of society in America. It is a caste system whereby certain individuals perceive themselves to be of more value to American society than others. In their minds, this self-perceived importance endows these individuals with the “right” to educate and guide those who are less endowed with mental prowess than themselves. These people have convinced themselves that they are natural leaders and the rest of the population should do nothing more or less than just follow their leadership. This new aristocracy is a “meritocracy”. Here is the formal definition from Webster: meritocracy - “a form of social system in which power goes to those with superior intellects”.

Ah, but there’s the rub. Who determines which individuals belong to the meritocracy and are thereby chosen to be given power over the “sheeple” as the meritocrats have named those under their care?

(pardon me while I segue into full sarcasm mode here ....)

According to them, the meritocrats are self-proclaimed by their very intelligence. It should be obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than room temperature. Of course, all you sheeple are too mentally handicapped to see that very fact so just take their word for it and be on your way.

The poster child for this movement was Al Gore until the 2000 election when a deranged populace (quite obviously the beer-drinking NASCAR crowd - sniff) somehow managed to cast enough votes against him in the Presidential election to throw the whole question of leadership to the Supreme Court, which is dominated by far-Right conservatives who had no business deciding who should lead America. That is how America ended up with this horrid, uncouth, rough cowboy from Texas who was a “C” student in college and was a drunk for most of his life when he wasn’t going AWOL from the National Guard. Al Gore was a highly intelligent member of the meritocracy. He had loyally stood by the side of President William Clinton (a Rhodes scholar, for God’s sake) during his troubles when the evil Republicans tried to smear his good name with accusations of adultery, false testimony and other sordid crimes. Vice-President Gore was a privileged child of the Washington, DC environment whose father had served his country honorably for decades. Vice-President Gore deserved the Presidency. How dare those “sheeple” vote against him, and what form of bad government allows a group of obviously biased judges to select the President Of The United States? How dare they?

Well, the 2004 election is going to be very different! The meritocracy have chosen a new leader. He is John Forbes Kerry, an aristocratic man of giant stature who understands that America needs the meritocracy to retake power and dissolve all the abysmal mistakes made by this Bush person over the last four years. This “pretender” has dragged us into a miserable foreign war that none of the other civilized nations want a part of. Saddam was contained and we didn’t have anything to fear from him and bin Laden could have easily been reasoned with - we could have just given him plenty of money and nuclear secrets like President Clinton did with the North Koreans and all would have been hunkey-dorrey. Eh, what?

(excuse me while I shed this slimy sarcasm cloak ....)

How many rabid Leftists do you know that believe everything in the previous paragraphs? I know quite a few. Sadly, their minds are made up and the rest of us are too ignorant to understand why there is absolutely no reason to argue with them. They proudly proclaim to the world at large the education they received at university where they were introduced to Chomsky and Kant. They will bore you for hours with quotes from Dylan Thomas or James Joyce. They know which wine goes with which food and which fork to use when eating salad at a formal dinner.

What many of you “normal people” may not realize is this is an attitude that is inculcated in their heads at college. You see, the Liberal world of academia not only bends their minds toward a Liberal slant on everything but the professors and administrators at our colleges are also insidiously convincing them of their moral and intellectual superiority by virtue of having learned at the feet of such wondrously intelligent professors.

(go ahead and gag over that last paragraph .... )

Yes, we have two Americas. They are not as different intellectually as the Left would have you believe. The so-called meritocracy does not have a monopoly over brains and intelligence. Neither are they the sole possessors of college educations. Neither are they any more capable of rendering moral judgement than anybody reading this. We all know the difference between good and evil, pleasure and pain. We all know what is right and what is wrong. We do not need anyone telling us who to vote for and we damned sure don’t need this patronizing attitude from the “meritocracy”.

I have a BA in Music from the University Of Alabama, a BS in Computer Science from Troy State University and a MS in Computer Science from Troy State University. Now that I’ve dropped out of the fast lane of high profile computer consulting I have plans to finish the two books I’m working on and start on my Ph.D at either UAB or UAH. I’ve paid my dues several times over. I’ve read Chomsky and rejected nearly everything the man had to say as psycho-babble with no basis in real critical analysis. I was given an IQ test in college in 1968. They told me my score was in excess of 160. My reply was “So?” I passed my SAT(1967), ACT (1967) and GRE (1991) with scores in the top 2% in the nation. Does all that somehow endow me with the right to tell you what is right and what is wrong? Not no, but hell no! I can make observations and create a discourse with you and hopefully we will both gain from the exchange. I would be an idiot to think I could achieve more than that. Especially if I adopted a condescending attitude toward you. No, I had rather remain a member of the human race than elevate myself. God and gravity both make sure my feet stay firmly planted on the ground. Neither one of which can be deterred indefinitely.

As for Professor Chomsky and the new “meritocracy” I highly recommend they go back and read one man’s works that they obviously missed in the process of matriculation .... a fellow by the name of Spinoza. I would recommend they start here with Spinoza’s “Ethics”.

Here is a little something from the aforementioned treatise to help get them started on their way to enlightenment and hopefully gaining a little humility to go with their arrogance and ego ....

“No positive quality possessed by a false idea is removed by the presence of what is true, in virtue of its being true.”

Ponder that while I take my extremely high IQ, my college degrees and my undeniable intellect and go have a beer with my friends and discuss the latest issue of Playboy and whether or not the designated hitter rule has ruined the American League (I believe it has).


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/11/2004 at 10:34 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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